Welcome hardworking students (MS students, undergraduate students) to join our team——iServiceLab. Please email me if you are interested.
My recent research interests include (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Service Network Representation
- Service Recommendation (Web Service, IoT Service, Manufacturing Service, etc.)
- Self-adaptive Service Composition
- Evolution Analysis of Service Networks
- Intelligent Business Process Management (Modeling, Collaboration, Monitoring, and Mining) under Industrial Internet
- Data Mining & Machine Learning
- Educational or Medical Big Data
- Smart Grid
I’m fortunate to work with the following brilliant students.
Supervised & Co-supervised Students
- Yan Li (李岩), Master Student, sgly33@gmail.com, 2024.09-
- Thesis: 公平性感知的Web API推荐方法研究
- Guotai He (贺国泰), Master Student, guotaihe3@gmail.com, 2024.09-
- Thesis: 带分布式电源的配电网故障智能恢复方法研究
- Jiawei Chen (谌佳伟), Master Student, jiaweichen0031@gmail.com, 2024.09-
- Thesis: 业务流程预测性监控方法研究
- Hongshuai Ren (任宏帅), Master Student, hongshuairen01@gmail.com, 2023.09-
- Thesis: 基于对比学习的Web服务表征方法研究
- Jianhua Feng (封建华), Master Student, fengjianhua411@gmail.com, 2023.09-
- Thesis: 基于异构网络表征学习的Web服务推荐方法研究
- Zhuo Chen (陈卓), Master Student, cz2424895@gmail.com, 2023.09-
- Thesis: 基于大语言模型的Web服务推荐方法研究
- Weike Zhou (周维克), Master Student, lilvicky.0408@gmail.com, 2022.09-
- Thesis: 面向在线教育的课程推荐方法研究
- Yang Wang (王洋), Master Student, brownyangw@gmail.com, 2022.09-
- Thesis: 面向ProgrammableWeb的服务生态系统动态演化分析
- Zhen Wang (王祯), Master Student, luckyzhen19@gmail.com, 2022.09-
- Thesis: 基于BPMN扩展的业务流程监控建模及其应用
- Wenqiang Zhang (张文强), Master Student, wqzhang2022@gmail.com, 2022.02-2024.06
- Thesis: 工业互联网环境下面向生产要素的服务推荐方法
- Bowen Liang (梁博文), Master Student, bowenliang013@gmail.com, 2021.09-2024.06
- Thesis: 融合文本和网络结构信息的服务分类与推荐
- Hangyu Cheng (程航宇), Master Student, orangechy97@gmail.com, 2021.09-2024.06
- Thesis: 基于BPMN扩展的业务流程建模及其应用
- Xing Li (李兴), Master Student, lijiatu12345@gmail.com, 2020.09-2023.06
- Thesis: 跨组织业务流程开放协作建模与推荐方法研究
- Runbin Xie (谢润彬), Master Student, robbiexiee@gmail.com, 2020.09-2023.06
- Thesis: 工业互联网环境下时空感知的生产要素服务组合优化方法
- Linghang Ding (丁领航), Master Student, linghangding@gmail.com, 2020.02-2022.06
- Thesis: 融合图神经网络和因子分解机的Web服务QoS联合预测
- Yong Xiao (肖勇), Ph.D. Student, yongx853@gmail.com, 2020.02-2024.12
- Thesis: 面向Web服务表征的特征增强若干方法研究